Frequently Asked Questions

The Dr. told me I have diabetes, can you help me?

Yes! We offer education on diabetes, as well as a multitude of other diagnosis. We can help you learn about your condition and how to manage it. Knowing how to take care of yourself and your diagnosis can help avoid severe complications and reduce hospitalizations. If you have any new diagnosis and need help, give us a call!

My mom is on tube feedings, can you perform this?

Absolutely! We provide all skilled RN care, and can even call your mom’s physician if there are any concerns. Additionally, we can evaluate nutritional status to make sure your mom is getting the best formula possible. Feedings that are administered by trained professionals can help improve outcomes and reduce complications.

Our son has multiple specialty providers and none of them talk to each other. Is there anything you can do to help?

IntrinsiCARE holds a special place in our heart for assisting individuals trying to navigate the complex healthcare system. We can help coordinate care, communicate with physician’s, and even create a collaborative medical file that includes full evaluation for any conflicting treatments that may exist due to the breakdown in communication between specialty providers.

I just had surgery and need help with wound care and IV antibiotics. Are you certified for this?

The RNs at IntrinsiCARE are fully licensed by the board of nursing and these tasks are definitely within our scope of practice. Having a professional assist means we know how to assess your wound and when to call the doctor for concerns. We can also help reduce the risk of infection that comes with IV antibiotics by utilizing our extensive education on infection prevention.

I am trying to take care of both my children and my elderly parents, as well as a full-time career. I am exhausted. What assistance can you offer?

This is known as the sandwich generation. We know you want to excel in all arenas of your life, and want your loved ones to have the best care possible. We can assist with physical nursing needs as well as help manage appointments, communicate with physicians or other care providers, manage and monitor medications, and much more. We also combine all the information in an easy to read one stop file so you can easily remain updated on all things related to the care of your parents.

My sister is in the hospital, not at home. Can you still see her?

We absolutely can. Please note that many hospitals may not allow us to do hands on care due to their policies, but we can still visit to provide support and evaluate the situation, as well as advocate for best care practices on behalf of your sister. Communication gaps in care are frequent in hospitals, and we strive to close that gap so our clients get the care they deserve.

I just feel like mom takes too many medications, and I don’t even know if she is taking them right! What should I do?

Medications are very complicated. There are a many potential interactions and adverse reactions. We can do an intense review of medications, indications, interactions, and adverse reactions to make sure your loved one is on the best regimen possible. We can also communicate with primary care providers and specialists to inquire about any possible changes for better outcomes. Additionally, we can provide oversight to make sure mom is taking all of her medications properly. Did you know that 50% of elderly patients that visit the ER with medication errors are due to accidental overdose? We can help keep your mom safe and at optimum health.

My healthcare needs change constantly. Are you flexible?

IntrinsiCARE is one of the most flexible healthcare service providers out there. We are committed to true care and what is genuinely best for our clients. While some things may be out of our scope of practice, they are very few, and we strive to meet every one of our clients’ needs. We believe it’s time for a new approach to healthcare, and that means tailoring to your needs, not ours.